Sunday, September 30, 2018

Week 7:

Simultaneity - Christopher Nolan's movie, Inception, uses simultaneity to show that there are multiple dream states that are occurring at the same time. In each layer of the dreams, Cobb and his team are trying to plant an idea into Robert Micheal Fischer's subconscious. In the clip, the team has to drive the van off the bridge to give themselves a "kick", which will wake them up and take them out of the dream. The scene then cuts to the team dropping down an elevator shaft to "kick" themselves awake. This is simultaneity because of the act of free falling expressed in both cuts are happening at the same time.

Parallelism - The cartoon, Bojack Horseman, uses parallelism as a transition. Todd Chavez and Princess Carolyn are in the woods. They are being attacked by clowns that are infected with rabies. The screen is covered in blood but then cuts to Todd squeezing ketchup out of a bottle. in a restaurant The squirting of blood/ketchup is parallelism.

Symbolism - The apple in Snow White is a biblical reference to the Adam and Eve story. Eve is tempted by the devil disguised as a serpent into eating a forbidden apple. Similarly, Snow White is tempted by the evil queen disguised as a hag into eating a poison apple. The apple in Snow White is a symbol of Snow White's sin of talking to strangers when she wasn't supposed to. 

Contrast - The TV series, Reign, ends its final episode with a scene of Queen Mary Stuart at the end of her life. She is old, in tears, and preparing for her execution. Just as the blade is about to come down, the scene cuts to Mary at the prime of her life. She is young and reunited with her husband, who passed away 27 years before she did. This is contrast because she goes from being old and at the end of her life to her being young and happy. 

Leitmotif -  Jaws is a classic example of leitmotif. The theme song provides continuity by acting as a recurring musical idea. The song only plays when people are in the water. The music gives the audience anxiety as the camera cuts to a first person perspective from the shark. The music is dark and threatening make the audience fear the shark. 

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